Monday, July 14, 2014

Phoenix rising

So, as the mythology goes the phoenix rises from the ashes of it's own pyre, creating itself anew. In many ways this is so much of what I have been seeing in my own family. Out of strife, despair, hardship, depression and separation from each other, we are beginning anew. Because of the public nature of these posts I will not write about each of my children and their experiences, nor my own specifically as they relate to each child (really adults all). But I have and will continue to share with family and close friends the specifics as they thankfully help me to learn and grow as well. Recently, we all spent a week at the shore which was a very fun and renewing time for us. Yes, there were tears both of joy and sorrow, but I believe we have come together in love and support, stronger than ever. Perhaps this is wishful thinking or naivete on my part, but I do believe for the most part this is true. There is a lot of hard work in front of us to try to put our past into it's rightful place, but this will only come with time and therapy. Yes, therapy. I was recently told that we all need therapy if for no other reason than to vent and have someone not embedded in the situation help to clarify. Now it just a matter of finding the time to do so. I will though. I know I am hopping around a bit, but today began a very busy week of professional development. Today began working with a fellow librarian to show her the ins and outs of her library management system, something with which I am all too familiar. Of course the two of us couldn't stay on topic as we both have minds that are always 5 steps ahead and into something else. But, I think it was worthwhile. My friend told me about a tool for making badges that I will use for my Research class students as a means of formative assessment. In other words as students progress through the process of note taking or thesis statements or web analysis, these badges will be given by me to them, and they in turn can post them on their blog (also a class requirement) for others to see. Here is an example...not perfect, but I hope a good first shot at this.
Thanks again for always.

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