Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today I put my GoogleSite up as my Library page. Of course the one page that I hadn't completed was in demand. Good grief! It's always something. Luckily I got it up and running within the hour. I still have to much to do there, and it will continue to be a growing site, but the bones are up.

Boxes of new books arrived in the building yesterday, but thankfully they haven't been delivered to me yet. Why thankfully you ask? Because finding the time to get them out amongst the masses will take a bit. But they'll be out to the students before the end of next week...hopefully.

I am going to get in touch with OverDrive since I noticed that they are no longer charging hosting fees. There selection is the most extensive out there for eBooks and audiobooks. Now to see what I can afford. First though, it would be great to survey my students to see what their availability to eReading technology is like. Tablets, obviously would be the best, but even access on home computers and/or smartphones would be nice. Then find out if they would utilize the availability of these materials.

I'm charging up my GoogleGlass to get that up and running for tomorrow. I've created a fitting which I hope will keep it up on my personal glasses. I no longer can wear contact lenses, so this is a must if I am to keep Glass. It would be great to have the kids utilize this to create vidcast book trailers, as a starting point. Then, I'm seeing this as a great formative assessment vid-stepping the process as a tool for other kids. Pitfalls and successes, etc. Anyway, just some thoughts.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Well here I am, 6.5 months into being a Middle School Teacher Librarian, and finding that the more I know, the less I know. With the transformation from being a high school librarian to that of a middle school librarian, I have taken the opportunity to reinvent myself. Or, should I say, working toward the realization of my full potential. Being so supported by my building community has provided me with the impetus to reach out to the greater community of connected educators in my field. Technology has become such a key to engaging and educating my students, and I cannot wait to jump into the vast pool of technology in education. Maker spaces, Google sites, Symbaloo, blogs, trailers, project based learning, collaboration. I only wish I had more time -- better still two of me (Oh no!!). One me to spend 100% of my time learning, and one of me to work everyday implementing. I've spent several snow days putting together a google site for my school community, students & faculty alike. Hopefully it will be up and running soon, a continually evolving reflection of curated resources, useful vidcasts, student work and ideas, and so much more. I can also see a time in the not too distant future when the title of this blog will change to "Adventures in Being Middle School Libarian. LOVE MY PROFESSION!